Melissa has just returned from the World Cup young rider final in Frankfurt. The competition had representatives from most corners of the world and is by far the biggest indoor event Mel has competed at. Mel, as always, approached it in a very professional manner and we were so proud of her and the way she rode, she is such a talented rider with a very cool head and was rewarded by a very good 2nd in the B final and only a fraction of a mark away from 1st place. The journey back was a nightmare for all concerned. Sarah and Naomi (Mel’s number one fan and recently appointed travel advisor) where unable to get a flight for several days so took to the train and eventually arrived back at home 24 hours later. Mel and CK did not have the train option so the snowy roads beckoned, unsure if they would make it more than a few miles but thankfully they all arrived home safe and sound.